We are pleased to inform you of the results of the SBFA election. We welcome Sven Spieker and Suma Ikeuchi as new incoming board members; Constance Penley and Harold Marcuse have been re-elected to a new term. We thank all for their willingness to contribute their time and energy to our Association.
Eileen Boris, Ben Olguin, Laila Shereen Sakr, and Kalju Kahn will continue their terms on the Executive Board.
We are grateful for the service of our Election Committee, Elena Aranova, Lisa Hajjar, and Giuliana Perrone, who promptly certified the ballots at the close of the election period.
We thank long time outgoing board member Peter Ford for his years of service to the UCSB faculty through his membership on the board. Peter will step down from the board on July 1, 2022, but we hope that he will remain active as an SBFA committee member, and that we can continue to draw on his expertise.