How do I become an SBFA & AAUP or SBFA member?
If you have any questions about the membership options or how to join, please contact our membership coordinator at
Regular Membership
Complete the form below. Dues will automatically be deducted from your paychecks and you will be added to our mailing list.
Monthly dues:
$5.00/month for ALL NEW members for the first year – regardless of rank
$10.00/month for Assistant Professors
$22.00/month for Associate Professors
$32.00/month for Full Professors
SBFA/AAUP Membership: This form also gives you the option of joining the American Association of University Professors. Scroll down below the form to learn more about our relationship with the AAUP.
Retired faculty: Please visit our EMERITUS MEMBERSHIP page.
What is the SBFA?
The SBFA is a voluntary membership organization of University of California, Santa Barbara faculty. We represent all ranks of UCSB Senate faculty, emeriti, and lecturers with security of employment. The SBFA advocate for faculty welfare and serves as an independent representative for Senate Faculty at UCSB.
SBFA Monthly Dues (as of July 2023):First year membership is $5/month regardless of rank. After that the rates are: Assistant Professors $10/month, Associate Professors $22/month, and Full Professors $32/month.
What is the connection between SBFA and AAUP? Why join both?
The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) have agreed to partner together as independent but allied entities. By partnering with AAUP, CUCFA will be better able to advance its goals in the defense and promotion of academic freedom, shared university governance, and the economic security of all those engaged in teaching and research in higher education. AAUP will also gain from the valuable experience and ideas of CUCFA’s members and leadership and from CUCFA’s promotion of these goals on the University of California’s ten campuses.
What are the dues for SBFA-AAUP membership?
As a member of a UC Faculty Association, which is a chapter organization of CUCFA, you will now automatically enjoy a connection with AAUP through CUCFA. To receive the full rights and privileges of individual AAUP membership, however, you can, as a supplement to your campus Faculty Association membership, join AAUP at special rates available only to members of CUCFA-affiliated associations:
CUCFA-Affiliated AAUP Monthly Dues (as of January 2023): Assistant Professors $13.34 / Associate Professors $21.34 / Full Professors: $23.92.
What are the benefits to joining SBFA-AAUP?
Individuals who choose this option will receive the AAUP magazine Academe and AAUP emails (individual members may opt-out of the emails or request to access Academe only online), be entitled to vote and run for office in AAUP national and state elections, be eligible to serve on all AAUP committees, may attend and participate in AAUP’s annual conference, Summer Institute, and annual California state meeting as well as all webinars offered by AAUP, and be eligible to receive any additional membership benefits provided by AAUP to its non-collective bargaining members. Such members will also be eligible for any scholarship support offered by AAUP or its California conference to attend these meetings.
We hope you agree that the alliance between CUCFA and AAUP enhances the ability of both organizations to advance and defend the interests of the faculty at the ten campuses of the University of California, as well as at colleges across the nation. We therefore encourage you to supplement your Faculty membership with individual membership in the AAUP.
If you have any questions concerning the partnership or membership in the AAUP, please contact us at